Amelia Choi, Youth on Course Member, Recognized as Most Improved Junior Girl Golfer
April 16, 2024 / by Kayla Bell

The NCGA Women’s Golf Association of Northern California (WGANC) Legacy acknowledges the strides made by junior girl golfers, and this year, the honor goes to Youth on Course and DRIVE Club member Amelia Choi. The award was first given in 1997, and Amelia joins the likes of U.S. Women’s Open Champion and LPGA professional golfer Paula Creamer, who won this same award when she was a junior player at The Club at Castlewood in Pleasanton, CA.
Amelia became a Youth on Course member two and a half years ago after a friend told her about all the benefits. "The membership has allowed me to try many different golf courses,” shared Amelia. “We wouldn’t have had the opportunity to play as much golf if we didn’t have this membership. I also got to play a lot of rounds with my dad and make many memories.”
At just 12 years old, Amelia, a member of the Santa Teresa Junior Golf Club, demonstrated remarkable progress in 2023. She started the year with a handicap index of 29.7, steadily lowering it to an impressive 11.3 by October.
In a heartwarming ceremony held at Poppy Ridge Golf Course in March, Audrey Cormier, NCGA Tournament Official and WGANC Legacy Junior Girls East Bay Coordinator, awarded Amelia the title of Most Improved Junior Girl Golfer. Along with the prestigious trophy, Amelia chose to donate the course pro shop “cash prize” to both Youth on Course and Sistas on the Links Golf Club, Inc.
"The recipients of this award are chosen based strictly on a handicap decrease." explains Audrey. “We are so proud of Amelia and her improvement.”
“I had no idea about the annual award from the WGANC Legacy subcommittee,” said Amelia. “When I learned that I was chosen as the most improved player of the year, it was a great surprise. On top of that, getting this award made me feel so accomplished. It made me feel motivated to continue golf and work harder to get better.”
When she's not volunteering or honing her skills on the golf course, Amelia finds joy playing the piano, reading, and writing, where she can use her imagination to create stories in her head and put them down on paper.
Amelia's dedication to her craft, both on and off the course, serves as a beacon of inspiration. As she continues her journey of improvement and contributes to the growth of the game, we celebrate her achievements.
If you or your child is eager to explore the opportunities offered by Youth on Course programs, applications for DRIVE Club are currently open. Don't miss out – apply today!