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Donate to
Youth on Course

Every dollar makes a difference.

Set up a one-time or recurring monthly donation, or discover more ways to give.

  • Credit Cards: We accept donations via all major credit cards. Use the form on this page to complete your donation.

  • Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) Gifts: We gratefully accept donations from all donor-advised funds and individual giving funds of private, family and community foundations. 
  • Contribute via cash or check: Make checks payable to "Youth on Course". Our mailing address is Youth on Course, 30 Ragsdale Dr., Suite 201, Monterey, CA 93940.

  • Stock or Wire Transfer: Gifts of stock or via wire transfer are gladly accepted.

  • Crypto-currency: We support instantaneous donations via The Giving Block.

  • Estate gifts: Contact Jeff Clark, Chief Development Officer, for more information.

  • In-Kind Gifts: Gifts of goods or services are accepted with pre-approval from Youth on Course.