Why Golf is the Perfect Summertime Activity
It’s a scene most parents know well… the constant struggle to get our kids off their screens and back into life. Whether at the dinner table, in the car, or while on a family walk… our kids are transfixed by their devices and missing out on some of the best parts of life. (And let’s face it, sometimes we as parents aren’t much better when it comes to phones.)
This is a 24-7, 365-day-a-year problem, but by the time summer rolls around, our kids have even more time for social media, gaming, and texting. It’s the perfect storm. As parents know all too well… unscheduled time mixed with kids translates to sleeping late, large bowls of cereal & empty cups left all over the house, and the potential to do a lot of nothing. In other words, summer can be a parent’s worst nightmare, which is precisely why we scramble each year to find activities to fill our kids’ summer dance cards.
This is where the magic of golf comes in. Programs like Youth on Course make golf more accessible for kids. Signing your kids up for YOC gives them access to the many benefits - rounds of golf for $5 or less, career opportunities, and scholarship programs. Kids see firsthand that there’s a fun, exciting (real-world) place they can be part of and make friends in the process. Best of all, being glued to a phone while on the course is pretty difficult.
When on the course, kids see they can have fun IRL - breathing in the fresh air, making new friends, and learning a sport to serve them for a lifetime.
1.) Exercise. Adios, gaming chair or couch, it’s time for some movement. Whether they like it or not, our kids will get exercise on the course. From the driving range to the tee, they’ll strengthen their bodies, work on coordination, and do a lot of walking. Add backyard chipping or cross-training like yoga, weight training, or running/walking to the mix, and our kids are even more active.
2.) Socialization. TTYL, “RandomGamer789”… it’s time for real-life conversations. All those mysterious “friends” your kids have in their online worlds will have to wait, for they’ll be forming relationships with real kids their age. In addition, whether it’s conversations in the pro shop, around the course, or with a golf instructor, kids will learn to talk to adults, observe social norms, and pick up on cues for conversing with (wait for it)... human beings.
3.) Learning. Since this is normally a taboo word for kids in the summer, we can keep it our little secret. But yes, kids will be learning on the course. Our kids will pick up the ins and outs of the sport and see how to fine-tune putts, chips, drives, and fairway shots. Plus, they’ll be taught the game's rules as well as lessons in sportsmanship, etiquette, respect, and patience. And, let’s not forget the many life lessons they’ll be exposed to. The golf course might become their favorite classroom, and the best part - they won’t even realize they’re learning. (It’s the golf equivalent of sneaking veggies in a smoothie.)
4.) Preparing for the future. As parents, everything we do is aimed at preparing them for adulthood. The good news? We know they’ll be okay in our tech-centric world. But by adding golf to their skill set, we’re giving them the perfect launching pad for opportunities. On the surface, they’re getting early access to a sport they can enjoy for years and play anywhere they live. In addition, golf opens the door to seasonal and career opportunities in golf.
Plus, golf exposes kids to people from many backgrounds, allowing them to meet interesting people and get ideas for their future careers. While they won’t realize it then, our kids are learning valuable golf skills, social nuances, and networking skills that can help them in any career they enter later in life.
If kids keep pushing back for more screen time, here’s a compromise - let them share pics from their rounds on social media. This way, they get to relive the awesome moments on the course and also show their friends how fun it can be to play golf. When their friends see those pics, they’ll understand why greens are much cooler than screens. Plus, by spreading the word about a Youth on Course membership, their friends will see that golf can be accessible and fun, making it a screen-free win for everyone!