How many holes of golf could you play in one day?
This question burned through the minds of 63 golfers - dubbed hikers - who set out to play 100 holes of golf on September 10 to raise money for Youth on Course.
The Youth on Course Hundred Hole Hike took place at courses in California, DC, Georgia, Kansas, Minnesota, and Utah. Hikers were asked to secure pledges from family, friends, and supporters to help raise money and awareness for Youth on Course and the nearly 45,000 youth members nationwide.

Hugh Smith, Jr + back brace halfway through 100 holes
Through a physically and mentally challenging day, hundreds of swings, and numerous cases of water, we're proud to say that all hikers successfully completed their 100 hole goal.
Take a look inside the hike stats nationally:
- Estimated Miles Walked: 1,417
- Total Holes Played: 6,300+
- Holes in one: 1
- Water/Gatorade bottles consumed: too many to count
- 15 hours straight of actual play (from coast to coast)
- Rainstorms: 1
- Oldest hiker age: 73
Thanks to the efforts of all those involved with the 2018 YOC Hundred Hole Hike, more than $295,000 was raised for Youth on Course nationally - making it our biggest fundraiser to date.
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Youth on Course sends its sincere appreciation and thanks to Claremont Country Club, The Club at Crazy Horse Ranch, Inver Wood Golf Course, Fore Lakes Golf Course, Langston Golf Course, and Coosa Country Club for the use of their facilities. Without their generous access to these courses, the YOC Hundred Hole Hike could not have happened.