100 Hole Hiker lifting golf bag over his head it triumph

So, you've committed to taking on the Youth on Course 100 Hole Hike and you're wondering how to go about fundraising. The good news is you're not alone in this journey and we have some helpful ideas for how to hit (and maybe even exceed) your fundraising goal to impact as many members as possible.

1.) Make a plan.

Our most successful Hikers create a game plan and schedule for how they’ll announce they’re taking part in the 100 Hole Hike, send emails out to their network of friends, family, and colleagues asking for donations, and share regularly on social media. Fill out your Hiker Page in the Youth on Course app and share your compelling story for why you're taking on this challenge.

2.) Pose donations as a challenge (because it is).

If your network of friends is a competitive one, why not pose donating towards your Hike as a challenge? Give them the opportunity to decide how much they’ll donate as a “pledge” based on the number of holes you complete. For example, “Do you think I can play 100 holes in one day? Are you willing to give me $1, $5, etc. per hole?" Whether they give based on how many holes you complete, or up the ante by adding donations for every birdie, eagle, or ace you get during the day, it makes for a fun way to engage your network and to encourage them to follow-along with how you do the day of your Hike.

3.) Ask your company to match donations.

Does your employer offer matching gifts towards the charities its employees support? If so, it offers another great boost towards reaching your fundraising goal. If you’re unsure about whether you and your donors’ companies offer charitable matching, visit the Double the Donation website to see if they’re listed as a participating company.

4.) Donate to your own hike.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but being the first person to donate to your own Hike is a great way to help get the momentum going. Plus, people are more willing to donate if they know you believe in the mission!

5.) Thank your donors, and invite them to join next year.

Fundraising doesn't have to stop once your Hike ends. We always recommend sending a special note of gratitude to your donors and friends following the 100 Hole Hike to thank them for their support. Take it a step further by inviting them to learn more about the 100 Hole Hike and take on the challenge themselves next year.

Head to the Youth on Course app to fill out your Hiker profile and find some additional 100 Hole Hike resources. Not yet signed up to Hike? Register today!