YOC Blog

Your 100 Hole Hike Questions Answered

Written by Youth on Course | May 17, 2024 8:00:30 PM

What is the 100 Hole Hike?
Youth on Course supporters from across the globe take on the formidable challenge of playing 100 holes of golf all in an effort to help ensure young people have affordable access to golf and the life-changing opportunities that come with playing the sport.

Hikers rally support from their personal networks inviting them to donate towards their challenge of playing 100 holes. Every dollar raised goes towards supporting Youth on Course’s core purpose and initiatives. 

Learn more about the Youth on Course 100 Hole Hike.

Is there an age limit?
We welcome Hikers of all ages but typically participants are over the age of 18, as the fundraising component and physical challenge can be restrictive. Hikers who want to contribute but not participate are welcome to donate to any of our Hikers on the 100 Hole Hike leaderboard.

What if there isn’t a Hike location in my area?
If you don’t see a Hike location near you there’s still a chance to participate! You can create your own 100 Hole Hike at a local course. Check out our step-by-step guide to get started.

Can I volunteer?
We don’t have a formalized volunteer program, as each Hike sites’ needs vary. If you’re interested in helping out at a specific site, please contact Rachel Miller at rachel@youthoncourse.org.

What should I expect on the day of the Hike?
After all your preparing, fundraising, and training are complete, the day of the Hike is a celebration of your hard work.

Expect to play a lot of golf. Whether you are playing 25 holes as a relay or you are die-hard playing all 100 holes yourself, expect to take a lot of swings and walk a lot of miles. Get in a few extra rounds on the course and hit the range to prepare yourself. 

All Hikers will receive a tee time for their hike location that will be in the morning. Hikers will first come together for a photo and kickoff message, then we send you out onto the course in groups to Hike 100 holes. Throughout the day, we provide food, beverages, and encouraging words to keep you motivated. A member of the Youth on Course team will be there all day to hold down the home base tent. As Hikers begin to finish, we’ll be there at the finish line to celebrate with you.

What should I bring on the day of the Hike?
We recommend bringing anything you need to golf (clubs, a glove, a towel, etc), a change of clothes, socks, and shoes, and anything else you need to have a comfortable experience. You’ll be able to leave your belongings at our tent while you hit the course, changing things out at your leisure. We provide everything else you may need from sunscreen to first aid to food and beverage.

Do I play alone or with a group? What if I don’t know anyone?
It’s up to you on how you wish to participate in the 100 Hole Hike. With this year's options to Hike as a team in a relay or tag in tag out format the opportunities are endless. For those that are into a solo journey you are welcome to grind out all the holes on your own or join a group. 

If you don’t know anyone participating at your Hike location, no need to worry as we will be sure everyone has someone to play with. The 100 Hole Hike is a great way to meet a community of supporters. In our experience, by the end of the day, everyone leaves with a bunch of new friends.

Learn more about the Ways to Hike.

How should I train for the Hike?
To gear up to Hike 100 holes we encourage you to start walking, a lot! The most challenging part of the Hike is the walking and countless swings so be sure to prepare your body by training those aspects.

Do I have to play all 100 holes?
You do not have to play all 100 holes on your own. This year we have introduced the concept of alternative Hike participation formats. Each Hiker will have the choice to either play all 100 holes solo or create a team to break up the physical challenge into a relay or ‘tag in, tag out’ format. If you are choosing to do a relay with a team, we recommend a maximum of 4 people per team.

Can I use a cart?
Our Hike is unique in that it’s all walking so there will be no carts available to participants. If 100 holes feels daunting feel free to Hike as a team in a relay or tag in tag out format. You can bring a push cart for your bag or simply carry 1-2 clubs out on the course. 

Is there a time limit?
Technically there is no time limit to Hike 100 holes. The only barrier for time is sunlight. We allow plenty of time for Hikers to complete their 100 holes by starting first thing in the morning and continuing play until sunset.

Can we play music?
Absolutely! Just be sure your playing partners agree and the volume is considerate of general golf course rules.

Do I have to play the holes in consecutive order?
You do not have to play all 100 holes in consecutive order. We recommend bouncing around if you get caught behind a group that’s playing at a slower pace. Some groups opt to find a flat circuit of holes to loop for several hours. However you choose to slice up your holes is up to you!

Can my family and friends come cheer me on?
We welcome your entire fan club to the course to cheer you on. If you can recruit friends or family to come caddy for you, even better.

How do I fundraise?
Youth on Course will provide the platform and tools you need to be successful at fundraising. Once you register for a Hike, you’ll have your own personalized Hiker page or team page that you can share with your friends, family, coworkers and community. Inside the platform you’ll find email and text templates, success stories, and ideas on how to get started. We’ll be here the whole way with encouragement and help!

Check out some tips for fundraising!

Can I fundraise with my team?
You can choose to register and fundraise individually or you can create a team of friends and fundraise together. Every donation made to the team fundraiser will go towards the group goal. The group goal is the minimum amount needed to fundraise per Hiker times the total number of team members. For example, if your Premier Hike team has 4 Hikers, the group goal would be $40,000.

Learn more about the ways to fundraise.

Can my company match my donation?
We use a platform called Double the Donation to allow your company to match your donation. After a donation is submitted, the donor will receive an email encouraging them to check if their company has a matching gift policy. They will then be prompted to submit a request to their company for a matching gift through the portal. The platform handles all the details and makes the process easy for both the donor and company.

What happens if I don’t reach my fundraising goal?
We have lowered the entry to participate in our National Hikes to a $1,000 minimum in order to make the fundraising expectations more approachable and achievable. We know fundraising can be intimidating at first so we aim to provide resources and support from the beginning so you feel confident from registration onward. If you have concerns or questions, we’re here to help.

What is the Incentive Program?
We have an exciting incentive program to offer this year to reward you for your fundraising efforts. The ultimate incentive will be to raise $10,000 to get a play and stay package at Pebble Beach Resorts.

If your question isn’t addressed above or you have more specific questions, please reach out to Rachel Miller at rachel@youthoncourse.org.