YOC Blog

Roger Steele and KemperSports Empower New Golfers

Written by Kayla Bell | Aug 8, 2024 7:03:26 PM

At Youth on Course, we believe golf is more than just a sport—it's a community, a source of joy, and a great way to meet friends and develop skills. That's why we teamed up with KemperSports and Youth on Course Ambassador Roger Steele to host a Make Golf Cool youth golf clinic at Harborside International Golf Center in Chicago during Youth on Course Month. The clinic aimed to grow the game and expand Youth on Course membership in the region by inviting youth from Champs Male Mentoring, who had never played golf, to the course for the opportunity to learn alongside Youth on Course DRIVE Club members.

The day began with a meet and greet with Roger Steele, a native of Chicago who is passionate about introducing golf to underprivileged youth in his community and “making golf cool”. Roger was joined by local golf instructors Sean Rea and Lauren Niemiera who kicked off the clinic with short game drills to get participants comfortable chipping and putting. 

After learning the basics they put their new skills to the test out on the course. Youth members were paired into foursomes, mixing seasoned DRIVE Club members with newcomers to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for beginners to learn from more experienced players. Each hole played was an opportunity to build relationships and focus on enjoying camaraderie over competition.

After the round, Youth on Course offered each new golfer a complimentary membership, providing them with five guided rounds led by DRIVE Club members. This membership can be used at numerous courses throughout the Chicago region, making golf more accessible and affordable for newcomers. This clinic achieved its goals to help new golfers feel comfortable on the course, encouraged them to continue playing and integrated them into our growing community.

Reflecting on the success of the clinic, we are excited about the future. The positive feedback from participants and the increasing interest in Youth on Course programs and membership reaffirm our commitment to making golf accessible and enjoyable for all. We're grateful to Roger Steele, KemperSports, and all our participants for their contributions to this event's success.

We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future and continuing to grow our community. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting, there's a place for you in the Youth on Course family. For opportunities like these and many others, join us, and let's make golf cool together!