YOC Blog

Poppy Holding raises $20,000 for Youth on Course

Written by Kaitlyn Petrando | Jan 17, 2017 10:10:00 AM

The 2nd Annual Run Fore Fun Fairway Race took place on Sunday, January 15th at Poppy Hills Golf Course. More than 150 race participants started their year off by running in the beautiful 4-mile run through the forest. The race was officially timed by Fleet Feet Sports and proceeds from the event went to Youth on Course.

One runner flew through the race with a time of 24 minutes and 17 seconds while others gained personal records or just casually strolled to the finish line. To say the race was successful is an understatement. Runners received a race t-shirt and enjoyed a breakfast for champions after they crossed the finish line and received their Poppy branded medal. But the best was yet to come…

Every person who played a round of golf in December at Poppy Hills and Poppy Ridge donated $5 from their green fee to YOC and wrote their name on a golf ball for a chance to win unlimited golf for the year.

The race officially ended when a helicopter started hovering over the first tee green and the hundreds of golf balls came soaring to the ground. The ball that landed closest to the flagstick was the lucky winner of unlimited golf at Poppy Hills in 2017.

Combined race proceeds and donations from rounds that were played in December at Poppy Hills and Poppy Ridge Golf Courses totaled $20,000 – which was donated to Youth on Course for a college scholarship. (apply here)

We cannot thank Poppy Hills and Poppy Ridge management and staff enough for another great race and for allowing the opportunity to award a $20,000 college scholarship to a deserving Youth on Course member.

Thank you to the sponsors, all who ran and for those who came out to show support!