YOC Blog

Discover New Ways to Take on the 100 Hole Hike

Written by Youth on Course | May 27, 2024 8:54:00 PM

Hiking all 100 Holes solo in a loop can be daunting. This year, we have several Hike formats to keep you engaged and lighten the impact on your feet. We encourage you to get creative and Hike in a way that suits you best. Once you land on a format that you intend to Hike in, let us know in the Youth on Course mobile app under the 'My Hike' tab. 

Exploring different ways to take on the 100 Hole Hike:

Solo: Hike 100 Holes on your own - do it in a loop, play the same hole or three holes, any way you cut it you are a die hard that want to do it all yourself. 

Relay: Pass the baton with your teammates so that you each play a set amount of holes that together total 100. This lets you get in your holes and then spectate as your other teammates finish the remaining holes. 

Tap in, Tap Out: Pace yourself with your team by Hiking a hole or a few and then waiting for your other teammates to do a few holes continuously alternating. At the end your team will reach all 100 holes and be ready to celebrate the team effort. 

Hiking in a way that is unique to you not only adds excitement to the challenge but also contributes to the greater cause of providing youth with access to golf!

Let us know how you intend to Hike by registering today and updating your "My Hike" in the Youth on Course mobile app