YOC Blog

3 Ways to Hit Your 100 Hole Hike Fundraising Goals

Written by Youth on Course | May 18, 2024 8:16:00 PM

We get it. Fundraising isn't everyone's cup of tea. So this year, there are 3 options for how you can achieve (or maybe even exceed) your fundraising goal.

1.) Solo Fundraising

For those Hikers who feel confident in tapping into their personal networks of friends, family, colleagues, etc. to ask them to donate towards their Hike, the Solo fundraising is the way to go. This model works for those Hikers who have a network of golf-lovers who may already be familiar with Youth on Course or someone who is competitive enough to want to handle and achieve the goal by themselves.

2.) Team Fundraising

New this year is the option for a Hiker to join a fundraising team. This would be great for a first-time Hiker who may not be either comfortable fundraising on their own or may not have a network of people in their life who are inclined to donate money or may not be knowledgable about Youth on Course.

Though each individual is encouraged to reach their minimum, with this model you can lean on your pals to pick up your slack or vice versa (you can support your friends who might be finding fundraising a bit more challenging).

To calculate a team fundraising goal, simply multiply the individual fundraising goal for your site by the number of people on your team.

3.) Donate to a Fellow Hiker

A great way to boost your fundraising and pay it forward is to make a donation to a fellow Hiker and ask them to reciprocate. Just head to the leaderboard, choose a friendly face, and make an impact.

Whichever model you choose, there are still some exciting incentives this year (aside from supporting access to golf for young people) to motivate individuals and teams alike to meet/exceed their minimum fundraising goal!

Check your progress on the leaderboard!

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