Do Hikers play alone or with a group at the 100 Hole Hike? What if a Hiker doesn't know anyone?

With this year's options to Hike as a team in a relay or tag in tag out format the opportunities are endless.

It’s up to the Hiker on how they wish to participate in the 100 Hole Hike. With this year's options to Hike as a team in a relay or tag in tag out format the opportunities are endless. For those that are into a solo journey they are welcome to grind out all the holes on their own or join a group.

If someone doesn't know anyone participating at their Hike location, no need to worry as Youth on Course will be sure everyone has someone to play with. The 100 Hole Hike is a great way to meet a community of supporters. From past experience, by the end of the day, everyone leaves with a bunch of new friends.

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