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Ready to Make Golf Your Thing?


We're proud to partner with our friends at Make Golf Your Thing to provide even more young people with affordable access to golf. Read on to learn more and join the Youth on Course community.

What We Do Module 1

All About Access

Put simply, we help eliminate one of golf's biggest barriers for young people: cost. Belonging to the YOC community gives members access to play nearly 2,000 golf courses across North America for $5 or less, along with benefits and opportunities that support their journey with the game.

Make Golf Your Thing


How it Works

Whether it's early morning, after school or twilight hours, our golf course partners offer up blocks of tee times throughout the week for YOC members to play for $5 or less. We subsidize the cost of our members' rounds to keep the price tag affordable, sending more families through our partner courses' doors.


Get Involved

Our work is possible thanks to our partnerships with Allied Golf Associations and a growing network of golf courses who support our mission. We subsidize rounds through donations from individuals and organizations who like us, believe that every young person deserves access to play golf regardless of cost or circumstance.

Complete the form below to register for Youth on Course.